I.J. of Electronic Business
International Journal of
Electronic Business
I.J. of Information and Computer Security
International Journal of
Information and
Computer Security
I.J. of Internet and Enterprise Management
International Journal of
Internet and
Enterprise Management
I.J. of Internet Marketing and Advertising
International Journal of
Internet Marketing and
I.J. of Information Systems and Management
International Journal
of Information Systems
and Management
I.J. of Technology Policy and Law
International Journal
of Technology Policy
and Law
MIS Review: An International Journal
MIS Review:
An International Journal


Journal Final Preparation and Copyright Release


(A) Follow the Instructions:

This document supercedes the document of "Author Guidelines" posted on Indersicence Publishers' Website. Should there be a conflict, please follow the guidelines provided below.

(B) Proofreading the Paper:

Please proofread your paper for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the paper before submitting it to the Editor. If you are a non-English speaking author, you should have you paper proofread by a professional technical editor. If you need a quality and fast proofreading service, you could e-mail your paper with the Paper ID to the Chief Editors of ICEB-affiliated technical editing services for a fee quotation. Please enter "Seeking Editorial Assistance for XXX Paper" on the Subject line of your message (replace XXX with the journal name). Also, please send a copy of your inquiry to our Editorial Office at [email protected] so that we could monitor the quality of the affiliated editorial service.

(C) Body of the Paper::

Note that your manuscript must contain, in the following order: 

  1. Manuscript Title, Paper ID number, and word count,
  2. Authors name, affiliation, full street address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address,
  3. Where there is more than one author, repeat last information item for all co-authors and indicate who is the corresponding author,
  4. Abstract,
  5. Keywords,
  6. Reference to this paper, e.g., Lastname, F.M. (yyyy) 'The title of your paper', Int. J. Information and Computer Security, Vol. xxx, No. xxx, pp. xxx - xxx.
  7. Biographical notes for author (and all co-authors, if any),
  8. Acknowledgement(s): indicate the person and/ or the grant agency from whom you received assistance, suggestion, and/or funding for this paper; followed by the conference information where this paper was previously presented (e.g., "This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled [title] presented at [name, location and date of conference]."),
  9. Introduction,
  10. Body of text,
  11. Initial submission date, final acceptance date, and number of revisions (if any),
  12. References: Please use the Harvard (name and date) short reference system for citations in the text with a detailed alphabetical list at the end of the paper. For example "Hamel (2000) suggests ...." or "Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) found that ....." or "Studies of information system quality (Summer, Nelson and Winter, 1982; Li and Yen, 2004) have shown that ....." For four or more authors, "Li et al. (2005) show...." or "A study of information security (Li et al., 2005) reveals...." The format of references should follow the guidelines laid out at http://www.icebnet.org/styles/,
  13. End notes: Footnotes should be avoided, but any short, succinct notes making a specific point, may be placed in number order as an end note following the alphabetical list of references.
  14. Tables must have captions and be numbered in sequence and placed at the end of the document.  All tables must be in text format; do not use graphic format unless it is numbered as figures.
  15. Figures must have captions and be numbered in sequence and placed in the text with locations indicated in the text.  Please save each figure in TIFF or JPG format with high-resolution black-and-white quality (with gray scale); otherwise, your figures will be rejected for publication, thus delay the production schedule of your paper.

(D) Soft Copy of the Paper:

  1. Then, please save your manuscript with your paper ID as the filename in Microsoft Word format (e.g., IJEB-1234.doc) or in LaTeX format (e.g., IJEB-1234.tex; Click here to download a sample TeX file).  If you are a LaTex user, please convert your TeX file into a PDF file and save them into a new folder along with all graphic files of the paper in TIFF or JPG format.  Then, compress the entire folder into a ZIP or RAR file and e-mail it to the communicating Editor (see instruction below).
  2. To format your paper, please click here to download the MS Word Template File or the LaTex Style Files.
  3. Within one week after you receive the acceptance letter, please e-mail the final package to the communicating Editor with “Final Submission for <<paper ID>>”on the “Subject” line. To ensure the delivery, please also send a copy to the Editor-in-Chief at <[email protected]>.   Please do not send any hard-copy to the Editor-in-Chief as it would be discarded upon receipt.
  4. After reviewing the quality of the paper, the communicating Editor will send the paper to the Editor-in-Chief for production scheduling purpose.

(E) Copyright Release Form for the Paper:

  1. Finally, please also download the Copyright Release Form from http://www.icebnet.org/copyright/ and type and sign it (by every author) before you send it out.  Please scan and e-mail it to [email protected], within one week after you received the acceptance letter. Do not try to mail it with paper copy via postal service.
  2. For Special Issue, authors must scan and e-mailtheir signed copyright forms to the Guest Editor by PDF or JPG file. Your personal signature is required on the form before the production process can begin. Please make sure you sign the form before you send it.  

(F) Production Process:

Upon receipt of the Copyright Release Form, the publisher office will edit and typeset into journal format your soft-copy forwarded electronically by the Editor-in-Chief.  Please do not e-mail any soft-copy to the publisher office because they will need to send it back to the Editor-in-Chief for approval and will casue unnecessary delay.

After typesetting, proofs will be sent to the contact author for checking and corrections before publication.  To expedite the pre-production process, we strongly encourage you to format your paper according to the format of the sample article posted at http://www.icebnet.org/IEL-Sample/