Submission Guidelines for Special Section in
International Journal of Electronic Commerce

The Journal of Electronic Commerce is a refereed quarterly journal devoted to advancing the understanding and practice of electronic commerce. It serves the needs of researchers as well as practitioners and executives involved in electronic commerce.  The Journal aims to offer an integrated view of the field by presenting approaches of multiple disciplines. The Journal accepts empirical and interpretive submissions that make a significant novel contribution to the field of economic commerce. Such contributions may present:

experimental, theoretical, or survey-based research, relevant to the progress of electronic commerce;
paradigmatic designs and applications;
investigation of organizational, national, and international issues of electronic commerce.

Submission of Manuscripts
Initial extended abstract/full paper submission should be sent via the Conference Online Submission System.

Guide for Invited Submission for Formal Review

Please submit your manuscript with a cover letter/e-mail containing the following imperative statements: (Click here for a sample cover letter/e-mail.)

1. Title and the central theme of the article.
2. Which subject/theme of the Journal the material fits.
3. Why the material is important in its field and why the material should be published in this Journal.
4. Nomination of up to four recognized experts who would be considered appropriate to review the submission. Please state (1) the names, title, addresses, phone, fax, and email addresses of these reviewers, (2) the expertise of each reviewer relating to your paper, and (3) your relationship with each of them. An attempt will be made to select at least one of the reviewer nominations.
5. The fact that the manuscript contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere

Note that author name(s) must not appear anywhere else in the manuscript except in the title page and the reference list (if cited). No information can be placed in the properties of the manuscript's electronic file. Inappropriate submissions will be returned to authors. Factors leading to this action include submission with improper or no cover letter, excessive length, technically inappropriate material, single spaced body of text, subject of no interest to readers, manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other publications, and manuscripts not adhering to author guidelines. Non-English speaking author should have his/her paper proofread by a professional technical writer for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the paper, before submitting it to the Editor.

A complete submission must include: (1) the cover letter, (2) the title page, and (3) the manuscript without authors' names in three separate MS-Word files. These files should be submitted electronically to :

Dr. Kar Yan Tam
Guest Editor
E-mail: [email protected]

Form of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF or MS-Word format. The text should be double-spaced, on one side of 8 1/2 * 11 good quality paper, allowing ample margins. All illustrations, tables, etc., should be placed on separate sheets, included with each copy.Their approximate placement should be indicated in the text. The covering letter should provide full affiliation, the mail and E-mail addresses, and telephone number(s) of the corresponding author. Brief biographical statements of all authors should be included. The title page should include the paper title and the names and affiliations of all the authors. Authors' names should not appear in the pages following the title page. Every manuscript should contain an abstract (up to 150 words), and a set of key words and phrases to serve as indicators of the paper's content. A footnote on the first page should acknowledge any funding sources. If the paper relies on the use of questionnaires or similar research instruments that are not included in the text, please include them at the end of the paper in a section called "ATTACHMENT NOT TO BE PUBLISHED." All resubmissions should follow this Submission Guide. Authors are required to enclose a note explaining the revisions. The final submission of an accepted paper should include a MS-Word file with the complete text, including the biographical statements.

The reference list should be provided at the end of the paper. The references should be arranged alphabetically according to the name of the first author or editor, and numbered. Citations in the text, referring to this list, should be made as numbers in square brackets, e.g., [9]. References should be provided as follows.

References to items in periodicals
These should take the form: author(s), title, journal (italicized or underlined), volume and issue numbers, date, inclusive pages. For all authors, last names are given first; likewise for editors, with the names followed by "(ed.)". The name of the last author ends with a period. More than two authors (but not editors) are separated by semicolons. The title has only the first word and proper names (or their derivatives) starting with capital letters, and it ends with the period. The date is given in parentheses. Example:

17. Davenport, T.H., and Beers, M.C. Managing information about processes. Journal of Management Information Systems, 12, 1 (Summer 1995), 57-80.

References to Books
Author(s) are specified in the same style as for periodicals. In the title, all principal words are capitalized and the title is italicized or underlined. The title ends with a period and is followed by city, ":", publisher, year.

Figures and Tables
In preparing an accepted manuscript for publication, figures should be submitted as original drawings, complete, and ready for photoreproduction. Tables submitted as cleanly printed copy may also be reproduced photographically. All lettering and figure elements should be large enough to readable when the figure has been reduced to fit the journal page. All figures and tables must be specifically referred to in the text. All figures and tables should have brief, descriptive captions.

Proofs and Reprints
Authors will receive page proofs of their papers, which should be returned to the publisher within three working days. Each author will receive a free copy of the issue in which his or her paper appears. Additional copies of the journal and/or reprints may be ordered at the time the proofs are returned.