Guide for Initial Submission
Please submit your manuscript with a cover letter/e-mail containing the following imperative statements: (Click here for a sample cover letter/e-mail.)
1. Title and the central theme of the article.
2. Which subject/theme of the Journal the material fits.
3. Why the material is important in its field and why the material
should be published in this Journal.
4. Nomination of up to four recognized experts who would be considered
appropriate to review the submission. Please state (1) the names, title,
addresses, phone, fax, and email addresses of these reviewers, (2) the
expertise of each reviewer relating to your paper, and (3) your relationship
with each of them. An attempt will be made to select at least one of the
reviewer nominations.
5. The fact that the manuscript contains original unpublished work
and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere
Note that author name(s) must not appear anywhere else in the manuscript except in the title page and the reference list (if cited). No information can be placed in the properties of the manuscript's electronic file. Inappropriate submissions will be returned to authors. Factors leading to this action include submission with improper or no cover letter, excessive length, technically inappropriate material, single spaced body of text, subject of no interest to readers, manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other publications, and manuscripts not adhering to author guidelines. Non-English speaking author should have his/her paper proofread by a professional technical writer for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the paper, before submitting it to the Editor.
A complete submission must include: (1) the cover letter, (2) the title page, and (3) the manuscript without authors' names in three separate MS-Word files. These files should be submitted electronically to :
Dr. Sherriff T.K. Luk
Guest Co-Editor
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright. Most of the provisions of the Copyright Act
of 1976 became effective on Jan. 1, 1978. Therefore, ALL
acceptance for publication in QJEC.
Items are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are
contributed solely to the Quarterly Journal of
Electronic Commerce and have not been or will not be published elsewhere
except in abstract form.
Authors will be consulted, when possible, regarding republication of their material.
Retain an extra, exact copy for future reference. Submit four copies of the complete manuscript.
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines laid out
in Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association?th ed., Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
First page: Title, name of author(s), author(s) footnote, including
present position, complete address, telephone number,
fax number, e-mail address, and any acknowledgment of financial or
technical assistance.
Second page: Title of paper (without author's name) and a brief abstract of no more than 250 words.
Abstracts of original studies should be organized as follows:
Next: The text with major headings centered on the page and subheadings flush with the left margin.Background: What is the major problem that prompted the study?
Objective: What is the purpose of the study?
Methods: How was the study done?
Results What are the most important findings?
Conclusion: What is the single most important conclusion?
A list of up to 10 key words should follow the abstract.
The manuscript should be written clearly and concisely in English.
Authors whose primary language is not English
should obtain assistance in writing to avoid grammatical problems.
In studies involving human subjects, a statement describing approval by the Institutional Review Board is required.
Then: Technical appendices if applicable.
Followed by: Footnotes numbered consecutively on a separate page.
Then: Tables, numbered consecutively, each on a separate page.
If tables appear in an appendix, they should be
numbered separately and consecutively, as in Table A1, A2, and so on.
Tables should supplement not duplicate the text.
Next: Figures, numbered consecutively, each placed on a separate
page. As with tables, if figures appear in an appendix,
they should be numbered separately, as in Figure A1, A2, and so on.
Last: References, typed double-spaced in alphabetical order by author's last name.
The procedures guiding the selection of articles for publication in
QJEC require that no manuscript be accepted until after
the editor and at least two reviewers have reviewed it.
The decision of the editor to publish the manuscript is influenced considerably
by the judgments of these reviewers, who
are experts in their respective fields. The author's name and credentials
are removed prior to forwarding a manuscript to
reviewers to maximize objectivity and ensure that a manuscript is judged
solely on the basis of its content and
contribution to the field.
All manuscripts are judged on their contributions to the advancement
of the science and/or practice of electronic business.
All articles are expected to follow the rules for scholarly work, namely:
Although authors are free to prepare the final copy using any word processing
software that is IBM compatible,
submission of the final version in either disk copy or as an e-mail
attachment using Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows is
preferred. Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing
the final version.
1. Type everything in upper and lower case letters.
2. Footnotes should not be used for reference
purposes and should be avoided if possible. If necessary to improve the
readability of the text,
a few footnotes may be included. They should appear double spaced on a
separate page and be
numbered consecutively throughout
the text.
3. Write the name of the software program used on the disk submitted.