a reviewer, you must not review your own paper, either single or
co-authored. Normailly, you should not review a paper authored by
someone you know or work with. As our review process is
double-blind, you may not know the name of the author(s), but you might
be familiar with the paper title. If you have any doubt, please
go ahead with declining the review assignment.
As a reviewer, you
should be:
Complete the review report quickly and before the assigned due
date. The authors are anxious to receive your feedback.
Suggest ways of improvement to the author for revising the paper.
Tell the author
what the problems are and how these problems can be addressed (where
possible). Itemize
and number your points or paragraphs.
Provide your comments with intention to help. Avoid personal attack. Be tough on
the issues, not on the authors.
Occasionally you will be
asked to review submissions from authors whose native language is not
English; in those cases, it will also be important for you to
distinguish between the quality of the writing and the quality of the
ideas that the writing conveys. Give a paper having good ideas a chance
to improve its readability even if the authors did not express them well.
Provide all the requested inputs in the online review form.
If you are completing a report in the old JMS, please write your comments on the same report and use "1st-Round", "2nd-Round", and so forth, to distinguish between different rounds. This practice is not required in the new JMS.
Finally, please select "Reviewer" portal when you log into JMS at The system uses your e-mail
address as the User ID. If you forgot your password, you could
request the system to send it to your e-mail address.
Thank you very much for your review