The International Consortium for Electronic Business
Approved by the Steering Committee on December 20, 2001
Approved by the Membership at the business meeting on December 21, 2001


The name of this organization shall be "International Consortium for Electronic Business, "hereinafter referred to as the "ICEB."


To be the leading forum for e-business knowledge and education in the world.


The International Consortium for Electronic Business is an international organization that promotes research and education in electronic business. It aims to provide a forum for depositing and sharing knowledge related to electronic business. It strives for continuous improvement in the quality of services it provides to its community.


  1. Eligibility. Any person or institution who is interested in electronic business is eligible for Membership.
  2. Classes of Membership. There shall be three classes of Membership as defined below:
    1. Regular Member. Any person interested in furthering the goals of the ICEB whose current dues are not in arrears, as specified in the Bylaws.
    2. Student Member. Any person interested in furthering the goals of the ICEB who is also enrolled as a full time student at an educational institution and whose current dues are not in arrears, as specified in the Bylaws.
    3. Institutional Member. Any organizational entity interested in furthering the goals of the ICEB whose current dues are not in arrears, as specified in the Bylaws.
  3. Voting Privileges. The rights to vote, sign referendums, initiate petitions, hold offices, and sign nominating petitions are reserved to Members in good standing.
ARTICLE V-- DUES AND MEMBERSHIP YEAR Dues shall be established for the different classes of members by the Executive Board, subject to the approval of the Membership, and specified in the Bylaws. ARTICLE VI -- OFFICERS
    1. Officers. The officers of the organization are specified in the Bylaws. Only Members of the ICEB may be nominated for office or hold office.
    2. Terms of Office. The terms of office are specified in the Bylaws.


    1. Composition. The composition of the Executive Board is specified in the Bylaws
    2. Duties. The Executive Board shall be the chief policy-making and legislative body of the ICEB subject to referendum of the ICEB's Membership. It shall establish objectives, subdivisions and other bodies, budgets, and take other actions necessary for the implementation of the ICEB's objectives.
    3. Proceedings. All actions of the Executive Board must be consistent with the ICEB's Constitution and Bylaws. Minutes of the Executive Board meetings shall be properly recorded.


The procedures for nomination and elections are specified in the Bylaws.


    1. General Meeting. There shall be at least one general business meeting of the ICEB every year which will be open to participate by all Members and held in connection with a professional meeting of the ICEB. The time and place of the general meeting shall be published in the Conference program schedule.
    2. Special Meetings. Special Meetings of the ICEB may be called by the Executive Board as required. Each Member of the region will be notified in writing of the purposes, place, and time of any special meeting at least 30 days in advance of any such meeting.
    3. Quorum. At any regular or special meeting of the ICEB, the Members in good standing and present shall constitute a quorum.
    4. Procedure. All questions of parliamentary procedure shall first be settled by referring to the Constitution and Bylaws and then to the most current published edition of Robert's Rules of Order.


    1. Initiating Changes. No article/bylaws shall be added to the Constitution and Bylaws and no part shall be amended or annulled except by a formal proposal, discussion, and written ballot approved by the majority vote of the Members present at a general business meeting of the ICEB.
    2. Petitioning of Changes. Proposals of changes may be made by the Executive Board or by petition to the President that is signed by at least five percent of the Members of ICEB.
    3. Process. A proposed change in the Constitution and Bylaws shall be submitted to the Membership of the ICEB during the business meeting. Amendments to a proposed change in the Constitution and Bylaws may be made during a discussion of the proposed change at the business meeting provided that the amendments do not deviate from the subject matter of the amendments originally proposed
    4. Announcement of Changes. Copies of amendments shall be distributed to the Membership as soon as practiced after their adoption.
    5. Keeping of Records. A complete history of amendments shall be kept in the files of the ICEB by the Executive Director.

Upon its initiative, or upon the request in writing of five percent of the Members of the ICEB in good standing, the Executive Board shall submit a question to the Members of the ICEB for a mail referendum vote. The ballot for such a vote shall be accomplished by briefs stating both sides of the question.


The ICEB's Home Office will maintain records of the revenue and expenditures of the organization and the annual conference The Program Committee shall run the annual Conference on a self-financing basis. Budgetary actions are subject to review for consistency with overall goals, policies, and legal requirements of the ICEB by the Executive Board.


This Constitution will take effect upon approval by the Membership.

Members of Steering Committee:

The Chinese University of Hong Kong:
Waiman Cheung   Timon C. Du
Tien-Sheng Lee   Ching-chyi Lee
Xiande Zhao    

National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan:
Han-Lin Li   Chi-Chun Lo
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng    

National University of Singapore:
James Ang   Chee Chuong Sum
Thompson Teo    

Tsinghua University, China:
Jian Chen   Baoding Liu

California Polytechnic State University, U.S.A.:
Eldon Y. Li, Committee Chair