Volunteer Forms


****** Duties of Regional Editor ******

As a Regional Editor, you must maintain a reliable website that serves as a e-business forum in your country. You could start with posting current research projects or published papers or e-business researchers' homepages in your country.

To proceed, please create a website for your country.  Once it is in shape, please let me know the URL so that I could place a link to your website.  The link will look like:

Regional Websites:
* Croatia (Dragan Cisic, University of Rijeka)

You must use the ICEB flashing logo on your homepage to indicate your association with the ICEB.  The logo should have a hyperlink pointing back to

****** Duties of Subject Editor ******

As a subject editor, you must maintain a website that host the contents of your subject (e.g., research articles in mobile agents, e-shopping, e-government, e-healthcare, etc.)

Please create a website for your subject and once it is in shape, please let me know the URL so that I could place a link to your website. The link will look like:

Subject Areas:
* E-learning (Sam Lubbe, University of Durban Westville, South Africa)

You must use the ICEB flashing logo on your homepage to indicate your association with the ICEB.  The logo should have a hyperlink pointing back to

Please propose the specific subject that you want to host before you proceed.

****** Duties of Conference Chair ******

Conference Chair of ICEB Conference must be responsible for the following duties:

  1. plan, budget, and coordinate all aspects of the Conference,
  2. balance the budget of the Conference,
  3. collect membership fee during the Conference,
  4. publish the proceedings of the Conference, both in CD and in book,
  5. secure sponsors and exhibitors,
  6. coordinate with hotel for rooms, menus, coffee breaks, meals/receptions, and print tickets for such,
  7. provide both Conference Chair-Elect and Executive Director copies of preliminary Call for Papers (CFP), etc., for assistance in proof reading and editing,
  8. create CFP in mailing size and large poster,
  9. provide members of the International Program Committee with copies of CFP for mailing to interested scholars in his/her region,
  10. provide both Conference Chair-Elect and Executive Director copies of all forms, reports, printouts, budgets, contracts, etc., for training purposes,
  11. submit to Executive Director a written report on the highlights and activities of the Conference after it takes place,
  12. submit to Treasurer a financial statement of the Conference after it takes place.
