****** Duties of Regional Editor ******
As a Regional Editor, you must maintain a reliable website that serves as a e-business forum in your country. You could start with posting current research projects or published papers or e-business researchers' homepages in your country.
To proceed, please create a website for your country. Once it is in shape, please let me know the URL so that I could place a link to your website. The link will look like:
Regional Websites:
* Croatia (Dragan Cisic, University of Rijeka)
You must use the ICEB flashing logo on your homepage to indicate your
association with the ICEB. The logo should have a hyperlink pointing back to http://www.icebnet.org/.
****** Duties of Subject Editor ******
As a subject editor, you must maintain a website that host the contents of your subject (e.g., research articles in mobile agents, e-shopping, e-government, e-healthcare, etc.)
Please create a website for your subject and once it is in shape, please let me know the URL so that I could place a link to your website. The link will look like:
Subject Areas:
* E-learning (Sam Lubbe, University of Durban Westville, South Africa)
You must use the ICEB flashing logo on your homepage to indicate your association with the ICEB. The logo should have a hyperlink pointing back to http://www.icebnet.org/.
Please propose the specific subject that you want to host before you proceed.
****** Duties of Conference Chair ******
Conference Chair of ICEB Conference must be responsible for the following duties: