- Electronic submission is required.
in PDF format must be submitted via the
online submission system
(supported by
ICEB Journal Management System).
(For LaTex user, please convert your document into PDF format. Once
your paper is accepted for publication, please download
the LaTex style files to format your final document.)
If you are
running Windows 2000/XP and do not have a PDF converter, you may click
here to download and install the software.
- Each paper will undergo two rounds of
reviews. Any paper fails to meet the required revisions after two
of reviews will be rejected unless only minor changes are needed.
(Click here for Acceptance
If you have not used this submission system before, please sign
up as a new author. The system will send the password to your e-mail ID
address. Then, log into JMS using your e-mail ID and password. If you
forget your password, you may request it from the system.
Inside your account, select "Add Paper" to submit the required
files. Make sure your files meet the following requrements; or you will
need to re-submit them.
A complete initial submission must include three separate PDF files:
the cover
letter (containing the requirements listed below),
the title page (containing paper title, list of authors, and
full contact information, e-mail addresses, and short biographical
notes of all authors), and
the manuscript body with double space and single column,
containing (1) paper title, (2) abstract, (3) keywords, (4) paper
body, (5) tables and figures with captions; please make very sure that the authors' information is not in
both the body text and the file properties.
- Please submit your manuscript with a
cover letter
containing the following imperative statements: (Click
here for a sample cover letter.)
Title and the
central theme of the article.
subject/theme of the Journal the material
Why the
material is important in its field.
Why the
material should be published in this Journal.
What the
managerial or practical implications of your material are and why these
are of significant value to our journal readers.
Nomination of
two (required) to four recognized experts who
would be considered appropriate to review the submission. These experts
must be personally unacquainted with any author, are not members of the
editorial board of the journal, are not from any author's institution
and at least two of whom must be from different countries from any
author. Please state
(1) the names, title, addresses, phone, fax, and email addresses of
reviewers, (2) the expertise of each reviewer relating to your paper,
(3) your relationship with each of them.
The fact that
the manuscript contains original
unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere
Please assist us by following these
guidelines for title, abstract, keywords, author addresses, and
biographical notes:
- Title : as short as possible
- Abstract : approximately 100 words,
maximum 150
- Keywords : approximately 10 words or
- Address : position, department, name
of institution, full postal address
- Biographical notes : approximately 100
words per author, maximum 150.
Note that
author's information must not appear anywhere
else in the manuscript except in the title page and the reference list
(if cited). No information can be placed in the properties of the
electronic file. Any ACKNOWLEDGEMENT must be removed from the paper;
you may add it back in once your paper is accepted for publication.
Inappropriate submissions will be returned to authors.
Factors leading to this action include submission with improper or no
letter, excessive length, technically inappropriate material, single
body of text, subject of no interest to readers, manuscripts
submitted to other publications, and manuscripts not adhering to author
guidelines. An author whose first language is not English should have
his/her paper proofread by a professional technical writer for
grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the
paper, before submitting it to the Editor. (Click here to visit ICEB-affiliated technical editing services.)
Please log into JMS using your e-mail ID and password. If you
forget your password, you may request it from the system.
- A complete 2nd or 3rd-round submission must include three
separate PDF files
the "Anonymous Responses to Reviewers" statement without any author's
information (see the format listed below),
the title page (containing paper title and full contact information and
short biographical notes of all authors, (NOTE: if you have changed
any text on this paper, please update your online paper profile on the
Journal Submission System (JMS) as well.) and
the manuscript without any author's information and containing paper
title, abstract, keywords, and the paper body).
Revised paper must submit the "XX-Round
Anonymous Responses to Reviewers" (Replace XX
with the round number) in the following format and one comment at a time:
REVIEWER # (gives one reviewer's ID number)
COMMENT # (quote each comment item of this
RESPONSE (explain why do you agree or not agree)
ACTION (explain how do you revise your text)
... Repeat for other comments...
Click here to see the example of response statement.
Accepted papers must follow the guidelines
for "Final Submission for Accepted Paper" available
at Journal's website (see
http://www.icebnet.org/author/) to format the final papers.